Combining improvisational dance and physical theater including Contact Improv and Butoh ("Zen Dancing"), authentic movement, clown, imagery, creative writing, plus other fun and meaningful "tools in the toolbox" to:
• Creatively express yourself
Relieve stress adn elevate energy
• Expand perception and opportunities
• Identify and overcome subconsious habits
• Connect with community through creative experiences
Dance party performance with multiple costume changes awesome
visual effects, and
toys for the audience.
One of Jodi's earliest iterations of her improvisational "Butoh Clown," in "Earthquakes" during the 2006 Philadelphia Fringe Festival:
Jodi was asked to audition by the popular TV show America's Got Talent (AGT). This video was created quickly and submitted late due to the deadline being too close to The Water Festival that Jodi coordinated, but AGT liked it and invited her to audition anytime:
THE TIPPING POINT, Performance and Public Forum: Inspired by Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference”, in addition to John Zerzan’s “The Psychology of Mass Misery”, this collaborative multi-dimensional performance and public forum demystified the process of creating successfully fun environmental, cultural, political, and highly-spirited movements.
This empowering event focused on the formation and nurturing of a critical mass with a rippling-effect towards positive change. The ideas that arose from the public forums were collected and then later redistributed the audiences from both performances.
performed the day before the
2008 elections, here is an impersonation of VP candidate Sarah
Palin. Stay tuned for "Palin for 2012"...
EARTHQUAKES: A participatory performance piece, developed through a workshop series about consumerism, fear, and interconnectivity. The Trash 'n' Fashion Show, MC'ed by Jelly the Roach, is crashed by the Quake performed by Jodi. The Trash 'n' Fashion Show characters are Environmental Destruction, GMO Food & Drugs, Psychological Manipulation, and War & Violence. "Shop 'til ya drop dead!!"
UTOPIA/DYSTOPIA: Epic performance where Shamans of the 4 Elements battle Politics, Media, Military, and the Parasite of Fear, a 6-headed puppet (Greed, Pride, Control, Anger, Depression, Apathy). Featured in the 5th Annual Philadelphia Earth Charter Community Summit, sponsored by Alliance for a Sustainable Future.
SOLITARILY CONFINED: Locked in an 8ft. box with peepholes for three days straight, this installation performance is a metaphor of the human condition, including the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual boxes we place ourselves into and are imposed upon us.
Workshop intensive and performance at Tucson Meet Yourself 2011,
plus excerpt at Earth Walk 2011 - a Summer Solstice celebration in
Hi Corbett Baseball Field with a 200' labyrinth made of straw bales.
DANCING EARTH: Butoh Workshop Intensive & Performances
2-day workshop intensive, plus a performance at the Tucson Mueum of Art (first hour in sand, second hour in water) and a performance with the workshop participants at Zuzi! Theater in the Historic Y.
THE WATER PROJECT—Tucson's Synergistic Water Festival
Featuring TAB's Dance Theater Program in collaboration with
Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc Aztec Dance Group
WATER PROJECT: Tucson's Synergistic Water Festival
THE WATER PROJECT: Tucson’s Synergistic Water Festival integrates arts, science and culture to raise awareness, promote stewardship, inspire ideas, and foster creative expression about our water future. The Water Festival features an art show, dance / theater performance, Enviro-Exhibitor Fair, speakers, workshops, film festival, book fair, kids activities, hands-on participation, and a cross-cultural / interfaith water ritual. Initiating Greater Tucson’s World Water Week, we bring together artists, water experts, educators, engineers, developers, conservationists, health advocates, youth, and many other community members to creatively and proactively engage in water issues from various perspectives. At the Festival, the public has an opportunity to explore the water cycle, from natural systems to man-made infrastructures, so that we can better respond to the water realities and needs of our community.